I recently watched A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, the recent movie based on America’s beloved treasure, Mr. Rogers. It is a brilliant social commentary on the human condition. I am beautifully reminded of his unique mastery of emotional intelligence. Many decades later, this uniting gift seems to be more elusive than ever. This rings true with my work with youth, students, and families.
Mr. Rogers teaches not only children but everyone that honest introspection is the thread that sows the emotional holes we all face. If we each aspire to Mr. Roger’s unwavering active, empathetic listening (especially during this unprecedented time in U.S. history), we will more clearly see each other and ourselves realizing our fears are not reality after all.
This deeply moving film is inspired by journalist Tom Junod’s unexpected emotional journey profiling Mr. Rogers for Esquire magazine. Immediately after the film, I had to find the Esquire cover feature originally published in their November 1998 issue. Mr. Junod, thank you for capturing the depth of Mr. Rogers and for inspiring the film.
If it’s not too much to ask, please let me know your thoughts of the movie and the Esquire article. Enjoy!